Friday, July 8, 2011

Paca' Updates

The Boys
Paxson - Paxson has been enjoying his summer! He spends most of his day lounging in the sun with the occasional retreat to the barn. He loves to get sprayed off with the hose, Paxson picks up his front feet and plays in the mud. Paxson was the feature shot for a story on alpacas in the Bangor Metro, we're trying to not let the fame go to his head.

Space Cowboy - Cowboy is back in town and very busy. He has a line up of dates waiting for him this summer. He is happy to be back home and reminding the other boys who is boss.

Aniken- Aniken's favorite thing about summer? Getting hosed off! Aniken is one of the few alpacas that loves to get his head wet in the hose, on his own terms, of course. We hose off all of the alpacas to keep them cool in the hot summer heat. Aniken and his beautiful "mop top" we're also featured in the Bangor Metro story. He doesn't seem to be affected by the fame, just another day being handsome.

Murphy & Eclipse - Murphy has grown a lot over this past winter. He and Eclipse are starting their first season as breeding herdsires! They are looking forward to their upcoming dates.

Hamilton- Hamilton is diligently keeping up with his Uncle duties. Archi & Maestro seem intent upon testing Hamilton's limits, but he won't let them get away with much!

Maestro- Wow!! Maestro has grown so much! He is almost as tall as Hamilton. Maestro will be celebrating his 1st birthday September 11th.

Archimedes- It's hard to believe that little Archi is only a few weeks younger than his best bud, Maestro. Archi will be celebrating his 1st birthday on September 28th. Archi is sporting a handsome show ready hair cut. He will be competing in some shows this upcoming season.

The Girls

Salsa - Salsa has been back to her usual, soliciting visitors for back massages. Salsa prefers to relax in the comfort of the barn, rather than soak in the harsh afternoon sun. Can you blame her??

Calypso - Calypso has gotten a taste of motherhood. Maggie mistakes Calyspo for her mother, Splenda. Attempting to nurse from her, running up to her and just being a general pain in the rear end. Maggie & Savannah will have a new little playmate very soon, Calypso is only four weeks from her due date of 345 days! An alpacas "due" date is set at 345 days from conception. This date can vary, it can be longer or less, especially for maidens.

Mary Lou - Mary Lou is due September 16th! She is a first time mother but we have no doubt that she will do a wonderful job.

Splenda - We've recently found out that Splenda is a diabetic. We are now managing her condition and she is back to being her perky self! Splenda seems to be content allowing Maggie test her independence and venture out on her own.

Sugar Magnolia (Maggie) - Little Maggie isn't so little anymore, as of today she weighs 50 pounds! Maggie got her first shearing a few weeks ago, so that next year her fiber will be free of cria (baby) fuzz and ready to be made into beautiful yarn. Maggie loves playing with her new friend Savannah. She becoming increasingly independent, constantly pushing her mothers patience!

Savannah - Savannah is steadily growing, at birth she was 14.5 pounds now she is a heaping 28.5! Savannah is going to be quite the pronker, she loves running at top speed through out the pasture with her best bud, Maggie.

Sonata (Sonni) - Sonni is enjoying first time motherhood. She is diligently watching over little Savannah. Sonni is very protective over Savannah, she is a wonderful mother!

Sumitra (Sumi) - Sumi is soon to be a mother! It's hard to believe, but her belly is growing and we've seen baby movement. Sumi is due August 26!

Aria - Aria is due September 13th, she is the only of our expecting mothers this season that is not bred with Space Cowboy. Her along with the other four expecting mothers have "reserved" parking spots in front of the fans in the barn. Aria reminds the other alpacas of this when there isn't a space available.

Firestar - Firestar has been breeding with Space Cowboy. Along with her owners, we're excited to see what these two are capable of producing. We bet Archi would be pretty excited to have a new sibling. Firestar has been taking shelter from the harsh sun with Salsa in the barn.

Rita - Rita has been enjoying her granddaughter, Savannah. They are often spotted laying next to each other in the pasture. Rita kindly watches over Savannah, giving Sonni a much deserved break!

Laelia (Lia) - Lia has been SUPER excited to finally have some friends closer to her age! Lia, Maggie & Savannah have become best friends. Lia loves pronking with the two babies and running laps around their mothers! Lia is officially a yearling now, she turned one on July 4th.

Posie - Posie has been busy breeding with Space Cowboy. She seems to be in denial that she has a yearling daughter. She still watches over Lia, when we take Lia on walks, Posie follows along the fence until Lia acknowledges her as if to say "It's okay Mom, just taking a walk, you don't have to worry." Lia & Posie are attached at the hip, they lay next to each other in the barn and Posie finishes up Lia's breakfast, if there are any leftovers.

Gigi - Some of our recent visitors have gotten to meet Gigi. Gigi, is a visiting girl from an alpaca farm in New York, she is here to be bred with Space Cowboy. She is a gentle and sweet alpaca. She has taken a liking to Space Cowboy. Gigi is only visiting for a short time, she will be returning to her home farm in a few days.