Saturday, January 15, 2011

Herd Health Day

Once every 30 days we have herd health day. This is a day where we handle each alpaca. We look at their toe nails, eyes, teeth, gums and fiber. We weigh each alpaca and they receive a shot of Ivomec (dewormer). This is to prevent meningeal worm which is carried by the white tailed deer and can paralyze, or even kill, an alpaca within a day.

Good record keeping is a must for any farm. We use a special program called AlpacaEASE, it helps us manage our large database of information on each alpaca. With AlpacaEASE we can track births, medications given, fiber analysis and a variety of other things. This allows us to print a report on each animal, this is important because it allows us to track any weight changes, neonatal care, weaning etc...

In a few of the photos you will notice a strange looking contraption.

This is called an Alpaca Trapper. This device allows us to more safely handle the Alpacas during toe nail clipping and other health management tasks. We put the Alpaca onto a halter and lead. The halter connects to the Alpaca Trapper and as you will see in photos there are several other connecting straps that restrain the Alpaca safely. There is also a thick, padded strap that is placed under the Alpacas belly. We adjust the straps so the belly strap picks the Alpaca's rear feet just enough off the ground to prevent them from having the ability to jump. Protecting us and the Alpaca from any harm.

Posie receiving her shot. She's such a good girl.

FireStar & Laelia (Posies daughter) were in the room waiting patiently.

Corry weighing Posie.

Tightening the belly strap.

Posie all strapped in & waiting for her toe nail trimming.

So now when you visit our farm and see this funny looking contraption, you'll know what we use it for!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Meet Kevyn

If you've visited our farm you surely know of Kevyn, our guinea hen.

One day we saw a fox chasing a guinea hen, the hen flew into the girls pasture and caused quiet a ruckus. Kevyn, has been here since. Kevyn enjoys roosting on the roof of the barn, sleeping on the gate to the girls pasture, playing tag with the crias (baby alpacas) and idolizing/stalking Space Cowboy, his best friend.

One of Kevyn's favorite pass times is admiring himself in his mirror.

Alpaca 101

We are gearing up for our first seminar of the year!

Our Alpaca 101 seminar is our most requested seminar. It covers a large range of topics and isn't limited to those interested in Alpaca ownership.

Alpaca 101 is a 3 hour class, where we will provide an overview of everything from barn requirements, fencing, feeding, supplies, fiber quality versus breeding stock, medical needs, daily care and much, much more.

It's a great opportunity for those involved in our RentAlpaca program to really learn the in's and out's of Alpacas and Alpaca farming. So when you come for a visit you can teach your family and friends all about the Alpacas!

Please email us if you or someone you know may be interested and we will contact you with additional information.

Class fee:For those participating in our RentAlpaca program your first seminar is $20 per household

Handouts, light snacks and beverages will be provided.
Date: January 30th

Let us know if you have any questions!

Rose Marie Visits With Salsa

Dear Robin and Corry,
Wanted to share an eye to eye moment ,Salsa and I had on the first day we met.....she is so Special!! My husband Gary and I had an unforgettable visit yesterday, to your farm.....spending time with
Salsa,having the opportunity, during the forth-coming year, to learn about Alpacas on your farm and,making new friends. This is the Best Gift my
husband,Gary could have ever given to me!!! Looking forward to an exciting,informative and meaningful year ahead!!

Happy 2011
Ciao Rose marie.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us Rose Marie! That is a wonderful photo of you and Salsa.

If you would like to submit your own expeirence or photos please e-mail us at